Monday, July 5, 2010

Roborovski Dwarf Hamster Colonies

The Roborovski dwarf hamster is famous for being a social animal. While other hamsters are being forced to live alone due to their anti social tendencies and their constant fighting, the Roborvoski dwarf hamster enjoys living in pairs. But don't pigeonhole him as a total nice guy just yet. Although this guy may be known for being social, things aren't always fun and games, and this becomes especially true when you put him in a colony.

The Roborovski dwarf hamster is raised best in pairs. In fact, they do better living in pairs than they do alone. They have been known to be much more active and happier when living with a roommate. But pairings don't always work out. The most successful pairs are when you have two sisters living together. Two males can be ok as well but sometimes they will not get along. A pair is also more likely to get along if they've grown up together and have known each other since an extremely young age, although it is possible to introduce two older hamsters and still have them get along. So although Roborovski dwarf hamsters may live best in pairs, there still may be squabbles, and things only get more difficult the more hamsters you add into the mix.

If you wish to have three hamsters living together, it should be ok and more often than not, things should work out. But more than three (such is a colony of 5 or 6) is just bad news. Having raised dwarf hamsters for many years, one thing I have found to be true is that the more of them you house together, the more likely they will fight and try to kill each other (yes, literally kill). And there is no exception with the Roborovski dwarf hamster. Sure, they may live in groups in the wild, but for some reason groups just don't work when raising them as pets. Even if you give them enough room that they practically have a cage to themselves, fights will still break out. In fact, something that usually happens is one poor Robo, usually the shyest of the bunch, will get picked on and when this starts to happen, it never ends well. So although you may have heard of someone successfully keeping a colony, please be alert and ready to break up any fights (and separate them if necessary), for the sake of the hamsters.

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