Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sugar Gliders as Pets : Accessories for Pet Sugar Gliders
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Nursing a Sick Rat
We all hope it doesn't happen, but no matter how much of a good rat owner you are, there will be a time when you find yourself nursing a sick rat.
The first decision to make is whether you are going to move your sick rat into another cage. If he is not too sick and the disease is not contagious, it is best to leave them in with their companions. It will be less stressful and your rat will feel better being around his friends.
If your rat is very ill, or has a contagious disease, you should move him into a separate cage. This way he will not spread the illness and he will also have peace and quiet, in a space where he can recuperate.
Make sure the cage is extra comfy for your rat. Use old jumpers, or towels for bedding, so that your rat can snuggle up.
If your rat has a respiratory disease he may get rather cold, so make sure you take steps to keep him warm. Put a heating pad under the cage, covered by a towel. Do not put it inside the cage, or your rat will chew the wires. You can also get a microwaveable heat pad. Keep the pad over one side of the cage, so that your rat can move away if he gets too hot.
Make sure you change the bedding in your rats' cage frequently. If it gets dirty your rat's illness could get worse. Clean the cage with a germicidal cleaner, such as Parvasol, a mild bleach solution.
Drape a towel over one half of the cage, so that your rat can retreat to a dark place to hide. Make sure that your rat doesn't get too hot and that he stays hydrated.
Remember your rat may not be able to clean himself when he is sick. Use a damp cloth to clean off any urine or waste. Whatever you do don't rinse him under the tap. It will be too stressful. Make sure to dry him thoroughly and gently with a towel.
Your rat may not be eating much, or may not be able to eat the same foods when he is ill. Try soft foods such as avocado, thinly spread peanut butter, eggs, baby food and bananas.
Vanilla mixed with banana will be really tasty.
You may need to hand feed your rat. Use a syringe if he will not eat. 3cc, 6cc or 12cc are best.
Give your rat a pea sized blob of a vitamin supplement such as Nutrigel, along with his other food.
You may also need to give water by hand. Mix the water with a teaspoon of sugar and syringe feed it to your rat..
Use a damp tissue to gently clean any food off your rat after each meal.
You can also use a syringe to administer your rat's medication, or if he is eating you can add the meds to his favourite liquid food (yoghurt or Soya milk).
If your rat is very ill, you may need to administer injectable drugs. Gently pinch the skin on the scruff of your ratties neck and slide the needle under the skin. Massage the area before you do this. If possible, try not to get antibiotics in pill form, as they are hard to administer.
Check that your rat is not dehydrated by gently pulling up your rats skin and then releasing. It should ping back straight away. If it takes time, your rat is not getting enough water and you should give it water by syringe.
Keep a careful eye on your rat and if his condition worsens seek advice from your vet
Thursday, August 19, 2010
sugar glider's cage for two
Monday, August 16, 2010
Caring For Pet Rats
The relationship between people and rats goes back in history a lot farther than wire mesh cages and clicker training. Rats were worshiped by ancient Egyptians and they are thought to be a symbol of wealth in Japan. People in China, consider rats a symbol of prosperity and there is a temple dedicated to them in India. There are records of rats being kept as pets by people in England during the 1800s and the first rat club was established in 1976.
If you are considering getting a rat as a pet there are some things you should know first. Rats do not live long. They have a normal lifespan of 2 to 3 years. Some will live up to 5 years but anything over that is unusual. They are very social animals. If they are left alone in a cage for long periods of time it will affect their health - both physical and mental. It is best to give them a playmate of the same sex and let them out of their cage on a daily basis. Although they are a small animal, they need a larger cage than other animals that are of similar size. They need room to move around and play. They will also scent mark just about everything they come in contact with. This includes you and anything they crawl over. They leave their scent with small drops of urine. The smell isn't overpowering but can be an unpleasant fact for some. Also, don't forget to find a veterinarian that will treat rats in case of an emergency.
Rats are not expensive pets to keep. Most of the expenses are up front when getting your rat(s) and setting up their home. A typical rat will cost around $20 from a breeder or less from a store. Toys are only a few dollars. A cage can run from $50 and up depending on the size and options you choose. Wire mesh cages are the best for several reasons. Never go with a plastic bottom cage. Your rat will chew through it. Litter and wood chew blocks are very inexpensive.
When you go shopping for a rat make sure that you choose one that is alert and attentive to what is going on around it. A healthy rat's eyes will be bright and shiny. An unhealthy rat may have a runny nose or eyes and be aware of any wheezing or sneezing.
Feeding your rat is a simple process. Get some rat blocks from your pet store for the main part of his or her diet. Find a rat block with soy meal rather than cornmeal if you can. Grain mixes can be a problem because your rat will only eat his favorite items out of it and leave the rest. You can also mix in some fruits and vegetables. These are very healthy for rats but the bulk of their diet should still be rat blocks.
Friday, August 13, 2010
HD Sugar Glider cage setup
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Setting Up a Nursery at Home
Are you a mom-to-be who is setting up a nursery? Why not look online to help you shop for your baby's bedding and doctor? There are so many themes out there, you can find hundreds if not thousands of them online.
Instead of going to a store and being limited to what stock they can physically house, you can shop the world of baby bedding online. Literally, you can see more stock than would ever be possible for one store to contain. No store can have all designs and brands.
Online sites will have a huge selection to choose from. It can be tricky to narrow it down though, especially if you don't know what would be best for your needs. It's even harder to pick from a huge pool of possibilities than from a small pool, especially if there isn't much on the site to help you decide.
Bedding manufacturers are creating crib bedding collections more and more, with new collections being added seemingly daily. It is flooding the market. Plus there are so many accessories to match, you can be overwhelmed. Take full advantage of the widespread availability of things to choose from on the web. Not only will you have a great selection to view from the comfort of your home, but you'll find that prices are typically more competitive than they are in retail outlets.
Go online to buy a baby quilt and sheets, and you'll find you can also pick up the matching light switch cover, lamp, lampshade, mobile, music box, diaper stacker, curtains, rug, pillows, and so on. It's really amazing how integrated you can make a baby's room with a single theme, now that manufacturers are offering matching items. If you aren't sure if you are having a boy or girl, pick something that is in a neutral color scheme.
There are plenty of designers in the baby bedding market these days. You are sure to be able to find attractive, reasonably priced, high quality pieces that will make you happy if you look.
Some consumers want to buy retail directly from a store instead. Try a bedding retailer. Check to see if they offer crib bedding or have a children's section. You can also try in a baby store, in the linens and furniture section. You'll find something in your budget that is very cute.
Try the mall too. You never know what you may come across at the mall, and if one store doesn't work out there are plenty of others.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Tarantula Terrariums
So you've decided a tarantula is the right pet for you. Your next decision would be choosing the right habitat for the pet. While it's possible to let a tarantula roam around your house freely, it's not a very good idea. Not only do you risk the chance of losing the pet, but the chances of it getting hurt are far too high. A terrarium is your best bet for keeping your tarantula safe and healthy.
The ideal habitat for a tarantula is a glass or plastic, smooth cage or tank. It should have a mesh lid to let air in and to keep the spider from getting out. Be sure to check that the lid is secured tightly, as tarantulas can be quite strong.
While a tarantula would be fine in a small tank, a 5-gallon fish tank will give it plenty of room to roam round. While you may think a large tank would be ideal for the tarantula, the animal is quite used to living in burrows or tree hollows. A space that is too large will actually cause stress to the animal. The ideal habitat should be three to four times the size of the tarantula. You should be able to fit three to four of the same size tarantula inside the terrarium. That will provide plenty of room for the spider to explore, yet not too much as to cause stress to the pet.
Line the bottom of the tank with potting soil that can be dampened if needed. Mostly, though, tarantulas prefer a dry habitat, so sand or small gravel can be used, also. Include a few rocks of different sizes. You'll also need to include a small water dish with a sponge in it. Tarantulas brush their mouths against the sponge to drink.
You need to make sure that all objects in the terrarium are "soft," with no sharp edges. Tarantulas are great climbers, and if they fall on anything sharp, they can die.
Temperatures should be kept between 70 and 90 degrees. An undertank heater or overhead lamp can be used to moderate the temperature of the terrarium.
To complete your care for tarantulas, you'll need to be able to provide them with food. Tarantulas are not web-weavers. They don't produce webs to catch food, so you're going to have to provide it for them. The diet for the spider should consist mostly of insects, though it will also eat rodents such as mice or even birds or lizards. Food should be offered once per week. It is normal for the spider to eat until it is full, then fast for weeks at a time. You should remove any uneaten food after a few hours.
Tarantulas can be a very rewarding pet and fairly easy to take care of. The first step is choosing the proper home to keep it safe and healthy. By providing a home similar to its natural habitat, you can ensure the happiness of your arachnid friend.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
3 Essential Ferret Owner Tips When Learning How to Take Care of a Ferret
There are many things to learn when learning how to take care of a ferret, but they are all very simple. However, you need to ensure you understand the responsibility on you as mother, father and family of your new pet ferret. When actually deciding how and where to house your ferret, consider these 3 essentials ingredients properly and you and your new fuzzy will have many happy years together.
Safety of your ferret should be top of your list when looking at where and in what you are going to keep your pet ferret. You do not want him escaping, injuring himself or being hurt by other animals or pets.
Get a proper ferret cage. This is important as other cages are totally unsuitable. You need the spaces between the bars to be right, so that fuzzy can not get that nosey head of his between them. Also this ensures that other animals or pets can't either.
When looking at where to put the cage, you should be avoiding radiators or other heaters. You want a good steady temperature for your pet ferret to be healthy.
I am talking about inside and out when considering the space required to take care of a ferret.
Inside, means a good sized cage, with 2 levels if possible. Your new ferret needs plenty of room to be able to sleep comfortably and play, to keep him stimulated when not out of it and exercising with you.
That cage I going to have to have a litter tray in it ideally, so take that into account when you choose. Buy the best that money can buy. Do not go cheap, as there is usually a reason for that. You don't want to find the bars rusting in 3 months time, do you?
Outside make sure you have a good space to play, which is free of dangerous temptations, such as electric flex and wire, children's toys and human food. None of these lead to a long life for ferrets
Let's face it animals poop and ferrets are no different. It's not the most pleasant thing in life, but we all have to do it! But your ferret can't clean his own up, that's down to you my friend. But there are ways to make this easier. First of all buy a cage with plenty of space for a litter box or tray and train your ferret to use it. This is actually easier than it sounds. This way everything is in one place and cleaning is a simple process.
You have to keep that cage clean and change the bedding regularly. If you don't you are storing up problems which could come out in diseases and illness for your little prince.
Make sure you have other litter boxes and trays outside the cage as well which you can train your ferret to use.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
sugar gliders cage 2
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Things to Consider in Building the Housing of the Sugar Glider
When you think and plan to own this exotic pet, it is always advisable to prepare all the important things that are needed to build a housing for sugar glider. The cage that would serve as the house for the sugar gliders must be considered greatly because; the animal is mostly active and breeds easily in the wild. This is the one reason to consider mostly when building a housing for sugar glider. The largest cage you could probably purchase in the market nowadays perhaps is the smallest cage you can provide your pet because these gentle animals need a cage with ample on space which allows it to mostly glide, as the name suggest.
Minimum housing size of the animal must be 40x21x21 or 34x24x24 inches. This may serve as the best suitable space the pet can ever have. If you are also planning to have three or four sugar glider, you should certainly need a larger and wider housing. It can also have more horizontal and vertical bars because the Sugar Glider loves to climb.
The flooring of the cage should have cover and this will provide them with enough place to rest and sleep. Here are some examples to consider in purchasing a housing for sugar glider:
* Height- the height should be sufficient because of their natural activities and behavior. This pet likes to jump and climb; therefore, you need a housing for sugar glider that is lengthy. The sufficient height must be three feet, but if you could provide much more, it is better.
* Material- not all types of material is allowed to be used in building the housing for sugar gliders. Cages that are been made of wires is not advisable to used, because, it can irritate the pet. It is better to buy a cage that are made of vinyl or plastics. Nevertheless, purchasing a cage made of quality materials is more advisable because it can last for years.
* Security- you should provide a housing for sugar gliders that cannot be easily open. This animal belongs to the most intelligent creatures this planet has, they can learn to open a cage while time goes by.
* Bars- this is another thing that you need to consider when you are building housing for sugar glider cage should have bars that has half an inch apart. Nevertheless chose a housing that have a wire mesh to help them climb more easily.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
How to Remain Vigilant in Order to Avoid a Ferret Disease Your Fuzz Ball Doesn't Need
Like any other household pets taking care of ferrets is not a very easy task to do if you are not fully prepared to take it on. Ferrets differ in so many ways from other common pets that their diet and lifestyle should be getting your attention. It is but a common thing for them to contract certain kinds of diseases if they are not taken care of properly. Your household is not an exemption for your fuzz ball to get diseases in fact, the most common ferret disease he can be subjected to can be due to a bad diet. Certain chemicals that are found in their food may be a reason for them to become ill.
Preventing your ferrets from getting diseases is way better than trying to find a cure should he fall prey. The primary preventive measure to do is to give him a healthy diet in the first place. What they eat is what they become in a manner of speaking. If you give them a poor diet their health will become poor as a result. Ferrets are strict carnivores, meaning they tend to eat more proteins and fats. They should also be getting low fiber foods. Provide your pets with the right food and you will increase odds of remaining healthy for a long time. Giving them a good amount of food that suits them will benefit their healthy growth.
Experimenting with sweet foods will ruin their diet and should be avoided at all costs. They are different from any other pets, so try to stick to the usual kind of food he has become accustomed to. Note that they tend to have a hard time processing glucose in their system so this is the reason it should be avoided. Go for the nutritional requirement based on their needs which is meat, meat, and more meat. Providing them a healthy diet will make them healthy and prevent them from having a weak resistance.
Water is absolutely necessary so as not to block the intestinal passage. Give them enough water for good nourishment and to keep their system flushed from impurities. Make sure they have clean and uncontaminated water constantly available. Putting water in bowls is not really good because it can be a haven for some small insects and microbial bacteria that could lead to various kinds of ferret disease. You may rather opt to get them a drinking bottle to keep the water sealed. These tips may prevent him from having Insulinoma later down the road.
A good diet should come with a good doze of regular exercise. Just as with us humans. This kind of pet is not supposed to be a doll type meaning they are not meant to have a lethargic lifestyle. Engage them into different activities tempting with play time as often as you can. Make an active environment for them to move around and so they can remain fit. It is good if they can have a place to run around and get their feet going because they love to run and play. However, too much is not good also, so choose rather to give them enough play time to avoid exhaustion.
A safe home will prevent them from getting many diseases. Be mindful to keep a clean environment. Prevent them from loitering around your dirty shoes and clothes because it might be a carrier of canine distemper. This disease can be very fatal to your ferret. Symptoms like vomiting, rashes, and decrease in appetite may be noticed. You can also be a carrier, so be careful not to handle them after a long day out. Wash your hands and change into your clean clothes before handling them in circumstances such as these. Giving them a clean environment to stay in is a way for them to avoid a ferret disease that could be detrimental to their health.
A booster can really help make ferrets immune to certain diseases. They can be vaccinated anytime within the age of six to eight weeks. It is a preventive measure against flue, colds, and rabies so they should be carried out shortly after this time frame has passed.
The best way to prevent a ferret disease is to follow these guidelines as much as you possibly can. Taking care of pets is not really easy; however, it doesn't have to be hard either. You should be mindful of their health and lifestyle at all times.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
How to make a sugar glider ladder
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Ferret Fun
The ever frisky fur ball that we know as the ferret, really does like to have fun, it is their life long ambition to pack as much of it as possible into their lives. We know they sleep a lot and that is fine we all need our rest, but when you see the energy they can use up when they are awake, then it becomes clear why they need so much sleep.
These little fur balls will play with anything, yes they love toys, so it is a great idea to get them some, they will definitely make use of them. Most cat toys are suitable for these little guys and they can never have to many toys, in or out of their little home we call a cage, they will make great use of all toys at their disposal, including things that were not meant to be their toys.
Yes this it not all these little guys will play with, they are interested in anything and that means everything they can get to in your home. When they are out of their cage and playing wildly, they will try out all they can see and reach. So if you have things that you do not want to be touched or damaged by your ferret or going missing then you had better hide them yourself, because that is what your fuzzy will do. They love to claim things as their own and they will stash those things where ever they think it will be safe. This means that the odd sock may go missing or even your car keys, so do not make the mistake of under estimated what these little guys can move and hide.
But with that said as long as you remember to put important things out of sight of your little furry friend, then you can have some great times while they are having their exercise out of their little homes. Ferrets like to explore and they loves to get into things or under things, so one great piece of play equipment they do love and will make use of is a tunnel. The tubing from dryers or some old legs of jeans cut off and sewn together will provide them with endless fun, there are even products on the market designed around these little guys love of exploring, you can buy a whole network of connecting tunnels.
If you have two of these fur balls, then you are in for a double dose of fun and games. It may seem that you will have twice the work involved if you have two, but it can be easier to have two than just one, as they are company for each other when in their home, they can also snuggle up together when they sleep and when it comes to play time, they have a mate to go mad with, so do not rule out keeping more than one ferret.
Just remember these little guys are easy to look after as long as you understand their nature, they are not out to make your life harder, they want you to enjoy yourself as they do, so put away things that you do not want to go missing or get damaged and then just enjoy the play time with your little fuzzy friend or friends.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Sugar Gliders as Pets : Picking Cages for Sugar Gliders
Monday, July 5, 2010
Roborovski Dwarf Hamster Colonies
The Roborovski dwarf hamster is famous for being a social animal. While other hamsters are being forced to live alone due to their anti social tendencies and their constant fighting, the Roborvoski dwarf hamster enjoys living in pairs. But don't pigeonhole him as a total nice guy just yet. Although this guy may be known for being social, things aren't always fun and games, and this becomes especially true when you put him in a colony.
The Roborovski dwarf hamster is raised best in pairs. In fact, they do better living in pairs than they do alone. They have been known to be much more active and happier when living with a roommate. But pairings don't always work out. The most successful pairs are when you have two sisters living together. Two males can be ok as well but sometimes they will not get along. A pair is also more likely to get along if they've grown up together and have known each other since an extremely young age, although it is possible to introduce two older hamsters and still have them get along. So although Roborovski dwarf hamsters may live best in pairs, there still may be squabbles, and things only get more difficult the more hamsters you add into the mix.
If you wish to have three hamsters living together, it should be ok and more often than not, things should work out. But more than three (such is a colony of 5 or 6) is just bad news. Having raised dwarf hamsters for many years, one thing I have found to be true is that the more of them you house together, the more likely they will fight and try to kill each other (yes, literally kill). And there is no exception with the Roborovski dwarf hamster. Sure, they may live in groups in the wild, but for some reason groups just don't work when raising them as pets. Even if you give them enough room that they practically have a cage to themselves, fights will still break out. In fact, something that usually happens is one poor Robo, usually the shyest of the bunch, will get picked on and when this starts to happen, it never ends well. So although you may have heard of someone successfully keeping a colony, please be alert and ready to break up any fights (and separate them if necessary), for the sake of the hamsters.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Ferrets and the Law
Ferret Laws
Ferrets are frequently referred to as exotic pets. They can even be illegal to keep as pets in some locations. One reason that is cited for making them illegal is their sometimes unpredictable behavior. Some people are concerned that they make attack humans for no reason.
Ferret laws may be national, state or provincial, county and even municipal. So, before you actually buy a ferret you need to make yourself familiar with ALL the laws in your area. Currently, in the United States, there are two states where it is illegal to own a pet ferret - California and Hawaii.
It's a good idea to check with all the various agencies in your location to get the current information on any laws or regulations governing ferret ownership. It also can't hurt to contact the local wildlife and game agency. Some places will require you to have a license for your ferret. And, as we all know, ignorance of the law is no excuse. Keeping a ferret illegally can have serious consequences. Don't be faced with incurring a fine and with, possibly, having your ferret confiscated and euthanized.
In areas where ferrets are allowed as pets, you still need to abide by any laws or regulations that may apply. Most certainly you will need to have your ferret vaccinated against rabies by the time they are six months old. You may even need to file a copy of the vaccination certificate with the city or town clerk. Be sure to keep up the annual rabies vaccinations as well.
Sometimes there are additional requirements, such as making sure your ferret is spayed or neutered before you buy it. Inoculations for distemper are frequently required as well. Always keep your vet records in case the authorities request them.
Breeders are subject to different rules. They require a license from the local game and wildlife agency and must renew that license annually. When they sell a baby ferret the must provide proof that is has been spayed or neutered prior to the sale.
Schools or research institutions are allowed to acquire a ferret for scientific study. However, any offspring from breeding may not be offered for sale or trade.
In the past, ferrets were often used by hunters to flush out other wild animals. However, in most places it is now illegal to hunt using ferrets.
If an owner decides that they are no longer willing or able to care for there pet ferret, they need to know that it is illegal to release them into the wild. Nor can they sell them to a pet shop. The kindest thing to do would be to surrender them to an animal shelter in the hopes that they will find a better home.
Ferret Diet
But on a brighter note, what should ferret owners do? Well, they should always make sure they are feeding their pet correctly. Ferrets require a very specific diet with special requirements for the amount of protein and fat. Water is also a large part of their diet so they don't get dehydrated.
Ferret Cages
You also need to make sure that you provide a safe place for your pet. Get them a ferret-friendly cage and make sure to ferret-proof an area of your home so they can play outside of their cage every day.
Ferret Training
Ferrets will sometimes do things that you don't want them to do. When this happens, never use physical punishment, find a gentler way of letting them know that the behavior is unacceptable. Most important of all, love your ferret. When you do, they will love you back and you'll have a friend for life.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sugar Gliders As Pets - Main Things to Remember
Having a sugar gliders as pets had become fast popular. This is because; people want to own a pet that is exotic in nature while playable, cuddly and cute. Sugar glider is one of the animals that really fit on what they want. Sugar gliders are among the cutest pet that owners could have; this pet also has an unusual appearance that people are craving in. People that are planning to own sugar gliders as pets should prepare the care requirement that these animals must have.
However, before having sugar gliders as pets, people should consider first its history, basic needs, its characteristics, and ways of living and other things that relate to them. Knowing all things about the animal can really help to those people that are planning and even having them. This pet is a member of the marsupial family, like other marsupials, the young's starts their life on the pouch like the ones in the kangaroos. Also, this animal has been originated from New Guinea, Indonesia, and Australia, like other animal, they are typically living in the forest.
The name of the sugar glider has been derived from the food that they usually eat. This cute animal feeds on nectar and sap of eucalyptus. Also, the word glider has been derived from their ability to glide from one place to another using their flap skin that extending from the wrist to their ankles.
These type of animal belong to the omnivorous group that feed mainly on plants and insects; also, they eat foods that can be found in the wild like nectar, fruits, insects and small birds and even rodents. Sugar gliders is a kind of animal that live on groups, they have their social family unit that makes their trait to bond with others including humans. Gliders cannot live without the company of others; loneliness can cause depression and may lead to its death.
Sugar gliders as pets can be very playful and entertaining. As mentioned lately, they are social animals, people should consider to have at least a pair or even a group in buying them. Also, this animal should have a social interaction and relation with their owners. These animals are clean and have a small housing requirement.
Moreover, sugar gliders can live from 12 to 15 years. Aside from this, they can be trained, sugar glider can glide from one place to another inside the house, owners should always be aware and be alert whenever the pet are out of their cage. Nails of this animal are sharp; they used it to hold on to something whenever they are landing and climbing. Owners should always trim the nails to prevent any wounds. Also, bare in mind that this animal has sharp teeth, although their not aggressive, they can bite if they feel that they are been frightened and threatened. Dealing with this animal takes time and patience, but it's worth it.
Also, these animals have strict dietary requirements. Ideal diet for the sugar glider are still the famous debated topic among the keepers. However, the most common problem of the sugar glider according to its health is the imbalance of phosphorous and calcium on their diet. Too much phosphorous leads to the blockage of other nutrients that are entering the body, this can cause malnourishment, foods that have calcium substance has always an equal amount of phosphorous. Diseases like nutritional osteodystrophy are the cause of too much phosphorous in the body. Food supplement that are rich in calcium is highly recommended to prevent certain diseases that are been cause of phosphorous.
For the housing of the sugar glider, cage should have a height of 24x36 inches. This size is good only for a pair of sugar glider. Though, cages that are larger, is better. The cage for this animal doesn't mainly focus on the floor but on its height. The cage wire and bars should allow the sugar glider to climb. The interior of the cage must have tons of interests. Like your house, the cage serves as the house for this cute and cuddly animal. Pet owners can fill their cages with exercising wheels, toys, ladders, branches and ropes.
9 Easy Grill Ideas When Going Camping
During a camping, one would have the best of it by following these simple and easy nine grill ideas.
Camping is best enjoyed with family and friends, and much more with a satisfied stomach. One of the easiest ways of cooking meals during camping is by grilling. It doesn't need a lot of preparing to do like any other cooking methods. You just simply cook your food over dry heat mostly from a heat source below. This form of cooking saves a lot of time and produces hot smoked food almost instantly, which makes it a favorite for every camper.
1. To burn charcoal faster, keep them in a cool dry place. They won't burn easy if they are damp.
2. Put vegetable oil on the grid or on the food before grilling. This makes the food cook faster and smelling good.
3. Marinade food before the camping trip and keep it in the cooler. This allows the marinade to sip into the food making the food even tastier. You will save time from marinating during camping.
4. Drain marinade from your food before grilling them. This is to hasten cooking by lessening its moisture.
5. Grill your food over high heat for about 10 minutes before turning them to the other side. This holds your food together and releases from the grid easily.
6. Don't overcook your food by setting a timer to tell you that it is time to check the food.
7. Use aluminum foils when grilling. It helps food cook faster. Just be sure to make holes on the foils by using a fork for drainage and proper heat circulation.
8. To prevent food from burning, add sauces when food is nearly cooked.
9. Meat and poultry take a lot of time for them to cook. You can also grill fruits and vegetables. They cook less and are very healthy too. Examples of which are grilled potatoes, cabbage, pineapples, bananas and corn. Just add some herbs, spices or just cheese or butter and sugar, and they're all set.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I Can't Wait to Use My New Camping Hammock!
I love going camping. I've been doing it since I was a kid. The only problem with camping was that I could never get a good night's sleep when camping. It was because I could never get comfortable sleeping on the hard, cold ground. And then I discovered the camping hammock.
When I was younger we used to backpack into primitive areas far off the beaten path. If you've ever backpacked you know that you only take the essentials with you, and that luxuries like foam pads to sleep on were just additional weight and bulk. So we slept right on the ground inside our tents.
Last summer I went fishing with my best friend Mark and we planned on spending a couple of nights camping nearby. These days we drive into our camping spots. There is some benefit to driving up to your camping spot because you can put a lot more stuff in the back of the truck than you can in a backpack, and these days that extra stuff tends to be things like toilet paper, beer, chips, pillows and air mattresses. Yeah, I know, I've gotten soft in my old age.
The first thing I usually do when we get to a camping spot is to pitch the tent in case it decides to rain. I've put up tents in the rain and in the dark too many times and I prefer doing it when the sun is shining. I found what looked like a nice, level spot, and cleared away all the rocks and branches and pine cones. Five minutes later the tent was up and I laid out the air mattress and put down my sleeping bag. All ready for bed when the day was over.
After a good day on the river, and after a nice dinner of fresh trout and a few beers, I was ready to turn in. I climbed into the tent and into my sleeping bag only to discover the air mattress was flat and there was a rock that felt like it was the size of my fist - and right between my shoulder blades! Where did that come from? I rolled up my pants and sweatshirt and put them on top of the rock. It cushioned the rock, but now I was sleeping on top of a big lump. Another sleepless night camping lay ahead.
After that incident I determined that I was going to seek out a solution and headed to the nearby REI store. I went in looking for a new therma-rest foam pad to sleep on. I never got back to where they displayed the foam pads. In the store they had a camping hammock set up on display with a sleeping bag laid inside. I was mildly curious and the friendly store employee urged me to crawl in and take it for a spin. Oh my. Immediately I knew that this was going to change everything! I was completely surprised at how comfortable I was. Never again would I sleep on the cold ground, on a rock, or a pine cone!
But wait, I couldn't sleep in a hammock inside a tent. What if it rained? What if there were mosquitoes or other bugs? Well guess what, the geniuses who thought of camping in hammocks thought that through too. They have very cool accessories for camping hammocks! Rain-flys and mosquito net covers. Eureka!!
Here are some things to keep in mind when looking for a camping hammock. A camping hammock should be portable, lightweight, easy to hang between a couple of trees, and should be quick-drying. The best camping hammocks are made of high-strength, breathable, woven nylon and feature triple interlocking stitching and marine-grade line with metal snap links so that you can securely hang it between two trees or whatever else you can find.
If you're thinking about buying a camping hammock here are a few more tips:
Nylon woven hammocks are more comfortable than rope hammocks, and they dry more quickly.
Buy a good quality rain-fly. This is your "tent" and in rainy weather you'll appreciate having it.
Get the mosquito net accessory to keep the insects out. They are sold separately but are worth the extra money.
Size matters. Camping hammocks come in double sized versions and are more stable. The additional cost is modest and they provide additional space to store your other gear.
Bring along additional, sturdy rope and some carabiners. This gives you more options as to where you can hang your hammock.
Bring the tent anyway - it's a great place to store your gear.
So now I can't wait to go camping this summer in my new camping hammock. I'm going to talk Mark into getting one too.